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How to Use LinkedIn’s InMail for Networking

Ever wonder how to make a memorable first impression on LinkedIn? LinkedIn’s InMail feature can be your secret weapon. It allows you to send messages directly to any LinkedIn member, even if you're not connected. If used effectively, InMail can open doors to new opportunities and connections that can propel your career forward.

In this guide, we’ll cover the essentials of using LinkedIn’s InMail to build and expand your professional network.

What you’ll learn:
  • Understanding LinkedIn InMail
  • Crafting effective InMail messages
  • Best practices for using InMail
  • How to follow up after sending InMail

Understanding LinkedIn InMail

LinkedIn InMail is a premium feature that allows you to message any LinkedIn member directly, bypassing the need for a prior connection. This can be particularly useful for reaching out to potential employers, industry experts, or potential business partners.

Why Use InMail?

Let’s explore why InMail is a powerful networking tool:

  • Direct Access: Message anyone on LinkedIn, regardless of connection status.
  • Higher Response Rates: InMail messages typically have higher response rates compared to standard emails.
  • Professional Context: LinkedIn provides a professional environment, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.

Crafting Effective InMail Messages

To make the most of LinkedIn InMail, your messages need to be compelling and tailored to your recipient. Here’s how to craft messages that get noticed.

Personalize Your Message

Personalization is key. Mention something specific about the recipient, such as a recent achievement or a common interest. This shows that you’ve done your homework and aren’t sending a generic message.

Keep It Concise

Busy professionals appreciate brevity. Keep your message short and to the point. Clearly state why you’re reaching out and what you hope to achieve.

Provide Value

Explain how connecting with you can benefit the recipient. Whether it’s sharing valuable insights, offering collaboration opportunities, or discussing industry trends, make it clear what’s in it for them.

Include a Call to Action

End your message with a clear call to action. Whether it’s scheduling a call, meeting for coffee, or simply connecting on LinkedIn, provide a specific next step.

Best Practices for Using InMail

Maximize your chances of success with these best practices for using LinkedIn InMail.

Choose the Right Recipients

Target individuals who are relevant to your goals. Use LinkedIn’s search and filtering features to find people who align with your professional interests.

Avoid Sending Too Many InMails

Don’t spam multiple recipients with the same message. Be selective and thoughtful about who you reach out to and why.

Monitor Your Response Rate

Keep track of how many InMails you send and how many responses you receive. This can help you refine your approach and improve your messaging strategy.

Be Patient and Persistent

Not everyone will respond to your InMail immediately. Give it some time before following up, and don’t be discouraged by initial non-responses.

How to Follow Up After Sending InMail

Following up can be just as important as the initial message. Here’s how to do it effectively.

Wait a Reasonable Amount of Time

Allow at least a week before sending a follow-up message. This gives the recipient time to read and respond to your initial InMail.

Be Polite and Professional

In your follow-up, reference your previous message and reiterate your interest in connecting. Keep the tone polite and professional.

Provide Additional Value

Offer more information or insights that might interest the recipient. This can demonstrate your persistence and genuine interest in building a professional relationship.

Know When to Move On

If you don’t receive a response after a couple of follow-ups, it’s best to move on. Focus your efforts on other potential connections who might be more responsive.


LinkedIn InMail is a powerful tool for expanding your professional network and reaching out to key individuals. By crafting personalized, concise, and value-driven messages, and following best practices for engagement, you can significantly enhance your networking efforts on LinkedIn.


How many InMail messages can I send per month?

The number of InMail messages you can send depends on your LinkedIn Premium plan. Higher-tier plans offer more InMail credits.

What should I do if I don’t receive a response to my InMail?

Wait at least a week before following up. If you still don’t receive a response after a couple of follow-ups, it’s best to move on to other potential connections.

Can I use InMail for job applications?

Yes, InMail can be an effective way to reach out to hiring managers or recruiters directly. Personalize your message and explain why you’re a good fit for the role.

How do I track the success of my InMail messages?

LinkedIn provides analytics for your InMail messages, including response rates. Use this data to refine your messaging strategy.

Is LinkedIn InMail better than email for networking?

In many cases, yes. InMail messages typically have higher response rates and are viewed in a professional context, making them more effective for networking.