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How to Network with Alumni on LinkedIn

Imagine if every LinkedIn connection you made was a potential door to your next big career opportunity. Now, what if you had an entire network of people with whom you shared a common bond? Alumni networks on LinkedIn are like a goldmine of connections, just waiting to be tapped into. So, how do you unlock this potential? Let's dive in.

In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about leveraging LinkedIn to connect with alumni, from crafting the perfect message to participating in alumni groups. By the end, you'll be a networking pro with a robust LinkedIn presence.

  • The importance of networking with alumni
  • How to find alumni on LinkedIn
  • Crafting effective connection requests
  • Engaging with alumni through LinkedIn groups
  • Maintaining and nurturing your alumni connections

The Importance of Networking with Alumni

Networking with alumni is more than just a friendly connection; it’s a strategic career move. Alumni networks are powerful because:

  • Shared Experiences: Having a common background fosters trust and camaraderie.
  • Mutual Support: Alumni are often more willing to help each other out, whether it’s for job referrals, advice, or collaboration opportunities.
  • Exclusive Opportunities: Alumni networks can provide access to events, job postings, and resources not available to the general public.

How to Find Alumni on LinkedIn

Before you can start networking, you need to find your alumni. LinkedIn makes this process relatively straightforward. Here’s how:

Using LinkedIn's Alumni Tool

The Alumni Tool is your go-to resource for locating former classmates and fellow graduates. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Go to the search bar at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Type in your university or college and select it from the dropdown menu.
  3. Once on the school’s LinkedIn page, click on the “Alumni” tab. This will bring up a page with data on alumni, including where they live, where they work, and what they do.
  4. Use the filters to narrow down your search based on location, industry, or company.

Advanced Search Filters

LinkedIn’s advanced search filters allow you to pinpoint alumni who fit specific criteria:

  • Location: Find alumni in your current city or a city you’re planning to move to.
  • Industry: Focus on alumni who are working in the industry you’re interested in.
  • Company: Identify alumni working at companies you’re targeting for job opportunities.

Crafting Effective Connection Requests

Reaching out to alumni on LinkedIn requires a strategic approach. A generic connection request is likely to be ignored. Here’s how to craft a compelling message:

Personalize Your Message

A personalized message shows that you’ve put thought into your request. Mention specific details that highlight your common ground:

  • Reference your shared alma mater.
  • Mention a common interest or connection.
  • Explain why you’re reaching out (e.g., seeking advice, exploring career opportunities).

Sample Connection Request Template

Here’s a template to get you started:

Hi [Name],

My name is [Your Name], and I’m a fellow [University] alum. I noticed that we both studied [Your Major/Department] and share an interest in [Specific Interest or Industry]. I’m currently [Your Current Position/Seeking Opportunities in…], and I would love to connect with you to learn more about your experiences at [Company/Industry].

Looking forward to connecting!


[Your Name]

Engaging with Alumni Through LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn groups are a fantastic way to engage with a larger alumni network. Here’s how to make the most of these groups:

Joining Relevant Groups

Start by joining alumni groups associated with your university. Here’s how:

  1. Search for your university’s name in the LinkedIn search bar.
  2. Select “Groups” from the dropdown menu to filter the results.
  3. Join the groups that are most active and relevant to your interests.

Participating in Discussions

Once you’re in, don’t just be a passive member. Actively participate in group discussions:

  • Comment on Posts: Share your insights and experiences in response to posts.
  • Share Relevant Content: Post articles, job opportunities, or events that could benefit the group.
  • Ask Questions: Engage the group by asking questions about industry trends, career advice, or alumni experiences.

Networking Events and Webinars

Many alumni groups organize networking events and webinars. These are excellent opportunities to connect with alumni in a more personal setting:

  • Attend Events: Make it a point to attend virtual or in-person events.
  • Follow Up: After the event, follow up with the people you met to solidify your connection.

Maintaining and Nurturing Your Alumni Connections

Networking doesn’t end once you’ve made a connection. It’s crucial to nurture and maintain these relationships. Here’s how:

Regular Check-Ins

Keep in touch with your alumni connections by regularly checking in:

  • Send messages during holidays or on their birthdays.
  • Congratulate them on their achievements (e.g., work anniversaries, promotions).
  • Share relevant articles or opportunities that might interest them.

Offer Value

Networking is a two-way street. Offer value to your connections whenever possible:

  • Provide introductions to other contacts in your network.
  • Share your expertise or insights on topics they’re interested in.
  • Be supportive and offer help if they’re facing challenges.

Stay Active on LinkedIn

Maintaining an active LinkedIn presence keeps you on your connections’ radar:

  • Regularly post updates and articles.
  • Engage with your connections’ content by liking, commenting, and sharing.
  • Join and participate in discussions in LinkedIn groups.


Networking with alumni on LinkedIn can open doors to new career opportunities, provide valuable insights, and help you build lasting professional relationships. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to leveraging your alumni network effectively.


How do I find alumni from my university on LinkedIn?

Use LinkedIn’s Alumni Tool and advanced search filters to locate alumni based on various criteria such as location, industry, and company.

What should I include in my connection request message to an alumnus?

Personalize your message by mentioning your shared alma mater, common interests, and the reason for reaching out. Keep it concise and respectful.

How can I engage with alumni in LinkedIn groups?

Participate actively by commenting on posts, sharing relevant content, and asking questions. Attend networking events and webinars organized by the group.

What are some ways to maintain alumni connections on LinkedIn?

Regularly check in with your connections, offer value by sharing relevant opportunities or insights, and stay active on LinkedIn by posting and engaging with content.

How can networking with alumni benefit my career?

Networking with alumni can lead to job referrals, mentorship opportunities, and access to exclusive resources and events, all of which can significantly enhance your career prospects.